Dwarf Korean Lilac Tree
Latin Name: Syringa meyeri ‘Palibin’
Type: Deciduous shrub/tree
Family: Oleaceae
Zone: 3 to 7
Height: 5 to 7 feet
Spread: 5 to 7 feet
Bloom Time: April to May
Bloom Description: Pale Pink
Sun: Full sun
Water: Dry to medium
Grown easily in average, dry to medium moisture, well-drained soil in full sun. Tolerates light shade but best bloom is in full sun. Prompt removal of faded flower panicles before seed set will increase the bloom in the following year. Prune as needed immediately after flowering.
A small tree that has a dense, rounded crown. Pale pink, sweetly-fragrant flowers are arranged in dense, terminal clusters cover this tree with a profuse bloom. Great for cut flowers.